Friday, October 26, 2007

Today has been a real day of revelation and discovery.

1) Dumbledore was revealed to be gay by J K Rowling. I kid you not. Apparently, he even had a little something something with that rival evil wizard friend of his (whose name I have clearly forgoten). check it out

2) While furiously sifting through newspaper articles for me to write my sociology term assignment on, I came across the article concluding the section 377A issue. And a familiar name. Victorians will know what I am talking about. The thing that disturbed be, wasn't the fact that his name appearing in the article, or him being interviewed by the press, but the fact there was the word "former" just beside his occupation. It disturbed me, it intrigued me. Being out of touch with school news ever since graduation, I had no inkling about this! I guess t doesn't help when my source of information (yes, you auntie meng!) is across the globe and I hardly can chat with her since I tend to do work at night (which is when she comes online). Anyhoo, the questions recurred in my mind again and again. Did he quit so he could solely concentrate on the project he had set up? Or was he fired due to the reasons we all should know, or could be a combination of both? Anyone with any info about this please tell me! I'm bursting to know even though I was never personally acquainted with him. It's a matter of indignation (or hopefully, a wrongly placed one), and not just of curiosity.

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